Boere Volkstaat

Please give the Boere their Volkstaat!

For the purpose of this article, I would like to state upfront that I am, like any other South African, fully aware of the corruption and crime that is affec

ting my country. The aim of this commentary is not to delve into the crime situation, as enough has been published about this.
I have been recovering from a back injury, and spent the last two weeks at home. Since I am a normal, hard – working, white Afrikaans – Speaking South African male (Average Joe), I am usually too busy working than to give much attention to Social Media and the latest Political Conspiracy theories. Being struck down with a massive injury was perhaps a blessing in disguise as it gave me the opportunity to explore “dark and dirty” side of Social Media.
I was completely unaware of the fact that some Afrikaans whiteys, are still demanding a Volkstaat! Thanks be to my friend Susan, who pointed me to the Facebook pages of Boere Krisis Aksie and “singer” Sunette Bridges!
Having grown up during the 80’s and 90’s in the town of Boksburg, we knew these types. Strangely enough, most of these people were not from the town, but for some reason they were attracted to the Boksburg Lake,probably because they loved to sit and drink brandy while watching the water and tanning bright red in the African sun. These gatherings usually happened on the holy Sunday, after church and it was quite a spectacle! I am sure that CNN broadcast one of these gatherings to the American public, and I am convinced that this is the reason why my American colleagues are still under the impression that most Afrikaners are Neanderthals.
After a few hours of heavy drinking, shouting profanities and singing some Ge Korsten tunes, all non-whites unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity, were attacked and some were tossed into the water. The only problem was, that some of these whiteys, had very strong Khoisan roots, , and instead of turning red, they tanned a bit too brown and also landed up in the damn lake. Oh the bloodshed we witnessed! Unfortunately the fun and games turned into reality during the siege of Bophuthatswana a few years later, and I was under the impression that this incident opened a few eyes to the dangers of extremism.
Fast forward to 2012, and as I have discovered things have changed slightly, but not as much as I expected. The whites are not going to Boksburg Lake anymore, but they congregate on Facebook. They now have new leaders amongst others some wanna be Afrikaans singer who is related to that Bles Bridges dude. Instead of drowning her sorrow next to the Boksburg dam, she sits on the stoep of her Mansion and sips wine. Yes, she actually describes on Facebook that she is drinking wine and where she is sitting, kid you not! Then she starts moaning in very archaic Afrikaans how the government is messing up the country (fair enough). The drunker she gets the more aggressive she becomes towards our darker skinned brothers and then enters the koeksister brigade (her female fans), screaming bloody murder, while raising their fists in the air (even though this takes place in a pure social media environment, one can smell the alcohol and see the raised fists, if you use just a bit of imagination). I am no purist, but their usage of the Afrikaans language is atrocious, and ironically these are the types that will start hyperventilating when someone dares to address them in English.
A few of the old omies, who manages to remain somewhat sober during these Facebook sessions, gets very excited and write the most vocal and sometimes brutal racist dribble that you will ever see in your life. To be honest, the only intelligence I have noticed amongst some of these omies are the creative ways in which they refer to other races. While these cretins claim to be more intelligent than anyone who disagrees with them, I must be honest when I say I am yet to spot more than three brain cells (in total). Eventually most of them stop moaning and pass out drunk next to their computers or fall face first into their koi ponds. When they wake up, they continue with the next drama Sunette has dreamt up, and so it carries on ad infinitum. (When they work and eat, god only knows, but they seem to be online 24/7)
But there are some voices of sanity. Once in a while a white liberal tries to outwit the right-wingers. And boy does that turn into a gedoente of note! It seems that (as with the Boksburg dam days) a whitey with a more liberal or even moderate approach to life is fair game.
Although the majority of whites in this country are politically moderate or even liberal, these right wing types make you believe that all whites are extremists and hate blacks, and if you are not with them you are mentally ill, and should be shot.
From what I have gathered, there will be some Volkseis (Request for a Afrikaner – Boer state) on the 30th of November, where an appeal will be lodged to the international community on behalf of 20 000 odd “Boere – Afrikaners” who signed some mandate (as an Afrikaans speaking white, I was totally unaware that people were voting for such initiatives) and I would hereby request that the government please honour the request of these 20 000 Boere to go live in their Volkstaat. But give every single person who signed this mandate 24 hours to vacate their homes to go live in the new Volkstaat. Their mansions in their Gholf Estates could be auctioned off and the money could be donated to some charity of sorts. 
 Tragically give them a few thousand hectares somewhere in the Kalahari desert, or the Karoo (There has to be a lake or a dam somewhere, as a Boertjie needs to sit and drink next to a dam).
Us normal Boertjies can then carry on living the South African Rainbow nightmare (or dream, depending on how you view the glass) in peace, without being pestered by a bunch of drunken bible thumping hooligans, who believe that they have some historical or god given right to this land. Then we can focus on solving the black extremist problem as well as the crime situation (Maybe send some of them to uncle Bob?).
But please mr. Zuma, ensure that these Volkstaters have access to the Internet, as I think most of us will miss the online entertainment. It is genuinly much more entertaining and addictive than porn!

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